In the past couple of days, I've been exploring a little bit. And really just a little bit, because I've also been trying to revise for the placement tests - I don't want them to place me on the lowest level just because I was too lazy to review all the stuff I've been learning during those two years of Japanese studies. Although I don't have my course books here with me - I debated for a loooong time whether or not I should take them with me, and decided against - revision's been pretty smooth, as I'm able to spend hours and hours by going through the "conversations" I keep having with people. Quotation marks are there because usually it's just me confusedly staring at the other person while they are talking. So as I'm googling phrases I should've used, and searching for words I heard people use but didn't understand at the time, I'm probably getting the best kind of practice.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was actually just to post a few photos, since I have nothing that interesting to report right now - been doing the same things as in the previous days, which is meeting friends and having lunch with them and trying to speak Japanese. Today I actually felt like I could communicate with the Taiwanese girls. Not fluently, but still.
At the Kyoto Station, waiting for Koami - how else would I spend my time than by taking random street shots? |
Kyoto Station |
This is what I like - to actually see people preparing your food. |
And even more than that, I like it when they bring it to you to eat and it looks this good. |
A pretentious, grainy hipster shot, somewhere between Kyoto Station and my place. |
This was actually quite an unnerving trip for me, because I don't have internet on my phone yet, nor was I carrying a map, which apparently would be a laughing matter, anyway, as it is so old-fashioned to use a paper map. I hadn't been outside the apartment alone at all before this, and it was a half-an-hour bike ride - mostly straight down, though, but challenging enough at this point. So I had to ask a couple of people how to get there just to avoid riding several kilometers into the wrong direction and getting lost beyond all hope. And the same thing on the way back, except this time it was already dark. I actually spent a good 5 minutes with one guy at a crossroads, trying to figure out where I was supposed to take a left turn, and it turns out that we were standing at that exact intersection. It's good I asked before going any further... So at least I got some communication practice!
Today, I googled some of Kyoto's sights, as I was asked about places I want to visit and didn't even know any famous places in Kyoto. So I marked down a few temples in the Kyoto area on Google Earth, and went to see the nearest one in the afternoon.
On the way to the temple: stepping stones across Kamogawa! |
Kawai Shrine |
Shimogamo Shrine |
Alright, so I'm not completely sure as this is something I've seen on a TV show, but I think these are bad luck fortunes that people left behind. |
Another street view. |
In conclusion: I was told to try everything if I was free of any allergies, so I went for it. Another "health product" that's actually just a bunch of sugar. |
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